Girls' Discovery Camp

Hannah, from our congregation, was recently at Girls' Discovery Camp in Ballycastle. Here's what she thought of it:


I was really nervous for camp as this was my first time going, and I was travelling over from Scotland to an Irish camp! But I was also excited! And it was a lot better than I expected it to be!

Some of the activities we did were: surfing, horse riding and messy games. My favourite activity was the surfing! The talks were really good they were all about women who met Jesus. I learned that Jesus can save you immediately no matter what your sins are. I loved my first experience of camp and Iā€™m already planning to go back next year!

(Taken from the RP Global Alliance website)

As a congregation we are really grateful for all the leaders and cooks who serve God by helping run these summer camps. They have had a big impact in the lives of many and we're so glad that our young people can spend time with other Christians in this way!