Pizza & Praise

Recently we had a 'Pizza & Praise' night with Stephen McCollum. Stephen had led a number of Bible classes in Airdrie on ways to improve congregational singing, and came down to Stranraer to give us a summary of his talks - and chances to immediately put them into practice! 

Stephen talked about the importance of singing and gave us a quick guide to the Psalter (the different metres, the difference between stanza and verse numbers etc). He also talked about little changes which can make big differences (eg posture and breathing) and the importance of beat and rhythm.

We had a break for some pizza in between and those who were there enjoyed a chance to meet baby Zoe. It will be the McCollums' last time in Stranraer before Stephen is ordained as the new minister of Stornoway on 28th April. We are grateful to them for coming and will be praying for them as they move up and begin life in Lewis!


You can hear some examples of congregational psalm singing below: