Why do we do what we do? Romans 12:1-2
All Israel Will Be Saved
Romans 11:11-36
God's Overflowing Grace
The Jews' fall is not final - and God only has one olive tree | Romans 11:11-22
Who Jesus Isn't
The second sign of Jesus’ glory in John’s gospel | John 4:43-54
A Gracious Remnant
Has God rejected his people? | Romans 11:1-10
Evangelism - How?
How are we to evangelise?
(Apologies for the poor audio quality)
How are they to hear?
The relevance of preaching in a visual age | Romans 10:14-21
Evangelism - Why?
Why evangelise? | Luke 5:1-11
Where is God?
God’s hidden activity and Jesus’ apparent inactivity | Mark 15:21-32
Blindness and Sight
The climax of the first part of Mark's gospel - but the disciples still have a lot to learn | Mark 8:1-30