Ministers and churches in the New Testament aren't independent of one another - but even biblical structures don't stop conflict. Yet God overrules! | Acts 15:36-16:5
Growing Pains
“The easiest way to do church is to stay among your own” | Acts 11-15
The Death of One Man brings Blessing to the Nations
A recap of Acts chapters 7-10 as Christians move out from Jerusalem for the first time
The Acts of the Risen Jesus by his Spirit through the Church
A recap of Acts 1 - 6:7 through four snapshots: the church's inner life, its witness, attacks from the outside, and attacks from the inside
Preventing a Derailment
What structures has God put in place in the church to try and help prevent derailments? | Acts 15:12-35
Attempted Derailment
With persecution having failed, the devil tries to derail the church through internal attack | Acts 15:1-11
Keep going despite opposition
We need to be prepared not just for indifference but hostility. And yet the alternative - easing off in the Christian race, will lead to disaster. But God has provided all we need to keep going | Acts 14
Always two reactions - why?
What lies behind the two reactions to the gospel that we see both on the pages of Scripture and also in our own day? | Acts 13:44-52
What's the world all about?
Have you realised? And are you living in light of it? | Acts 13:13-43
Two Reactions as the Gospel breaks new ground
The greatest need in the world and the greatest evil in the world | Acts 13:1-12