Stand firm and see the salvation of the LORD | Exodus 14
Open Doors, Open Hearts
The gospel reaches Europe for the first time | Acts 16:6-15
The LORD's Leading
What happens once the people finally get out of Egypt? | Exodus 13:17-22 (Note: audio is lower quality than usual)
"Who is it that struck you?"
The death sentence is pronounced and mockery ensues | Matthew 26:66-68
A Meal to Remember
What was the Passover about and who was it for? | Exodus 12:43 - 13:16
O, loving wisdom of our God!
Ministers and churches in the New Testament aren't independent of one another - but even biblical structures don't stop conflict. Yet God overrules! | Acts 15:36-16:5
Covered by the Blood
There’s only one way to be safe | Exodus 11:1 - 12:42
Growing Pains
“The easiest way to do church is to stay among your own” | Acts 11-15
The Death of One Man brings Blessing to the Nations
A recap of Acts chapters 7-10 as Christians move out from Jerusalem for the first time
The Acts of the Risen Jesus by his Spirit through the Church
A recap of Acts 1 - 6:7 through four snapshots: the church's inner life, its witness, attacks from the outside, and attacks from the inside