David Wilson, 3 Nov 1930 - 11 October 2022 | Luke 23:46
The God who Judges and Saves
God isn't like a parent who threatens punishment but never brings it about - but judgement on the wicked will mean salvation for his people | 2 Peter 2:4-10
Love Your Church: Welcoming
Welcome one another | Romans 15:7
The reality and characteristics of false teachers
False teachers will come. We need to be prepared for that and know what they’ll look like | 2 Peter 2:1-3
Love Your Church: Belonging
What puts people off belonging to a church? Why is belonging to a church such a privilege?
Is the Second Coming a Myth?
Two reasons why it isn't | 2 Peter 1:16-21
The Year the Queen Died
What does God have to say to us following the death of the Queen? | Isaiah 6:1
A Dying Pastor's Rallying Call
Peter's urgency in giving this call - and our urgent need to listen | 2 Peter 1:8-15
Preventing a Derailment
What structures has God put in place in the church to try and help prevent derailments? | Acts 15:12-35
A Big Vision of the Christian Life
What is a Christian? And how are we to live in light of that? | 2 Peter 1:4-7