With persecution having failed, the devil tries to derail the church through internal attack | Acts 15:1-11
Living in Light of the End of the World
The end of the world is coming; in his second letter, the Apostle Peter reminds us of that - and tells us how to live in light of it | 2 Peter 1:1-3
Keep going despite opposition
We need to be prepared not just for indifference but hostility. And yet the alternative - easing off in the Christian race, will lead to disaster. But God has provided all we need to keep going | Acts 14
My times are in your hands
An encouraging psalm for any stage of life - and one that was on the lips of our Lord as he breathed his last | Psalm 31
Always two reactions - why?
What lies behind the two reactions to the gospel that we see both on the pages of Scripture and also in our own day? | Acts 13:44-52
Joy comes with the morning
A word for God's people who're going through tough times | Psalm 30
What's the world all about?
Have you realised? And are you living in light of it? | Acts 13:13-43
The God of Glory Speaks Peace to his People
The praise, power and peace of the LORD | Psalm 29
Two Reactions as the Gospel breaks new ground
The greatest need in the world and the greatest evil in the world | Acts 13:1-12
Living and Dying by Faith
Living by faith in God’s promise that he’s in control, living by faith in God’s promise of present forgiveness, and living by faith in God’s promise of future homecoming | Genesis 49:29-50:26