What marks out a sheep? And what can we learn from Paul’s witness? | Acts 9:19-20
An Unexpected Journey
130-year-old Jacob is called to leave the Promised Land and never come back - but God reassures him that it’s all part of His plan, and promises that no matter what happens, He will be with him | Genesis 46:1-27
A Wolf Becomes a Sheep
One of the most important events in world history | Acts 9:1-19
Provision for the Journey
You've been saved - now what?! Tell the good news to those who don't yet believe, don't quarrel on the way to your destination, and above all, remember He will give you all that you need | Genesis 45:9-28
To the ends of the earth
A message that comes from a God who values an individual as much as great crowds, a message about Jesus Christ, a message that was there in the Old Testament Scriptures the whole time, and a message that no-one can stop the spread of | Acts 8:26-40
Reunion, Revelation & Reconciliation
How can you have confidence when your time comes to stand before the one you've sinned against so badly? | Genesis 45:1-8
Salvation comes to Samaria
As the gospel moves out beyond Jerusalem, we see how the message was spread - and how it was received - and what lessons we can learn for ourselves | Acts 8:4-25
Converted People are Changed People
The work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the brothers is unmistakeable - and Judah's offer points us forward to his great Descendant | Genesis 44
Even Persecution Advances the Gospel!
The death of a powerful servant of God and the outbreak of persecution - the very things we think will derail the work of the gospel are actually used by God to advance it | Acts 8:1-8
Drug Addiction: A Story of Hope
Trevor Wills (now an elder in Enniskillen RPC) shares his story of conversion after years or drug addiction