“I have spent more of my spare time repairing a door handle than asking what my life is for” - Jeremy Vine
From Fear to Feasting
Having come to see themselves for who they really are, the brothers begin to see Joseph for who he really is - picturing for us the journey to salvation | Genesis 43
The End of the Temporary Temple
What was at the heart of the confrontation that led to Stephen becoming the first Christian martyr? | Acts 6:8-7:60
Encouragement for the work
Be encouraged by the promises of present blessing and be encouraged because of the days in which we're living | Zechariah 8 (Sermon preached via livestream due to Stephen having Covid)
Coming to the Saviour
Before we see the Saviour for who he really is, we need to see ourselves as we really are | Genesis 42
Opposition is real but the gospel advances
A recap of Acts chapters 3-6
Go to Joseph
Go to the only one who can give you what you need | Genesis 41:55
The Acts of the Risen Jesus by his Spirit
A summary of Acts chapters 1 & 2 as we return to this great book
Ukraine: A Christian Response
Encouragement from God’s word in light of worrying events this week | Psalm 75
I am the True Vine
Sermon preached at the ordination of James Fraser as ruling elder | John 15:1-17