Joseph’s humiliation and then exaltation points us forward to Another who underwent humiliation before being exalted to the right hand of the king, with the nations bowing before him | Genesis 41
I am the way and the truth and the life
Jesus said that he's the only way to God - do you believe him? | John 14:6
Remember Me
How to serve God in hard circumstances | Genesis 40
I am the Resurrection and the Life
The Love of Jesus and the Last Enemy | John 11
Numbered with the Transgressors
Joseph’s humiliation - far from his father, falsely accused and brought down to the depths - follows the pattern laid down for Another | Genesis 39
I am the Good Shepherd
The Care of the Shepherd | John 10:11-18
Who did Jesus come for?
A part of the Bible that no-one would make up - but it sheds light on the sort of people Jesus came for | Genesis 38
I am the door
The door to life - have you gone through it yet? | John 10:7-9
A Tale of Two Sons
The story of a beloved son of his father, whose brothers hate him and plot to kill him. Does that sound familiar? | Genesis 37:2-36
I am the light of the world
This world is in darkness - but Jesus is the light | John 8:12