As God's people face the catastrophic event of exile from the Promised Land, God's prophets tell them of a 'new covenant' which contains some familiar themes | Ezra-Nehemiah, Isaiah - Malachi
Faith and Famine
Two choices we all face each day | 1 Kings 17:8-16
Baptism of S. Fraser
Galatians 3:23-4:7
God's Surprising Intervention
The situations God works in, the people God uses and the methods he employs | 1 Kings 17:1-7
The King and the Kingdom
As the Bible’s story unfolds, it becomes clear the well-being of the Kingdom of God depend on having a king who will sit on God’s throne and rule according to his Word | Judges - 2 Kings
Change: Is it Possible?
Hope: Where can I find it?
Shame: Do I have to live with it?
Anxiety: How can I sleep at night?
The Kingdom Pictured
A whistle-stop tour of 5 and a half books of the Bible, showing how everything is working towards God once again having a people who are under his rule, who enjoy his blessing and live in a place he has prepared for them | Genesis 16 - Joshua 24