Galatians 3:23-4:7
God's Surprising Intervention
The situations God works in, the people God uses and the methods he employs | 1 Kings 17:1-7
The King and the Kingdom
As the Bible’s story unfolds, it becomes clear the well-being of the Kingdom of God depend on having a king who will sit on God’s throne and rule according to his Word | Judges - 2 Kings
Change: Is it Possible?
Hope: Where can I find it?
Shame: Do I have to live with it?
Anxiety: How can I sleep at night?
The Kingdom Pictured
A whistle-stop tour of 5 and a half books of the Bible, showing how everything is working towards God once again having a people who are under his rule, who enjoy his blessing and live in a place he has prepared for them | Genesis 16 - Joshua 24
The Living God
The Promised Kingdom
God's people have always been a chosen people and a covenant people. If we don't understand God's promises to Abraham we'll not understand why Galatians says that the gospel was preached to him, and we'll not grasp the significance of the 75 references to him in the New Testament | Genesis 12-25