King’s Son dies under God’s Curse – salvation results | 2 Samuel 18:1 - 19:8
His Kingdom Cannot Fail
Things may look bleak but God has a plan | 2 Samuel 17
Service of Thanksgiving for the Life of Mary Keating
Mary Keating née MacKinnon: Born 30 May 1930, called home 29 January 2023 (aged 92 years old)
Commitment to the King when His cause looks Weak
How will you react to God's king when following him will mean exile? | 2 Samuel 15:18-37
Baptism of Elijah Steele
Rev. Jonny McCollum preached on John 13v1: ‘having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end’.
The Young Pretender and God’s Weeping King | 2 Samuel 15
The Battle for Hearts and Minds
2 Samuel 14
Longing for a better Son of David
A chapter where God isn't mentioned, and yet he is not absent | 2 Samuel 13
How to grow as a Christian in 2023
Why is it important to grow, what does it mean to grow, and how can you grow?
What sort of behaviour do you expect from a King?
Re-entering 2nd Samuel