Wrong theology leads to wrong living - and Christianity is about the heart, not merely surface change | Colossians 2:16-23
Four Characteristics of Joyful People
Joy and rejoicing are mentioned 5 times in Nehemiah 12v43. Where does that joy come from? | Nehemiah 11-12
Jesus + nothing = everything (2)
You can't add anything to who you already are in Christ | Colossians 2:11-15
Covenanting with the Covenant God
The covenant the people make here is a joyful response to what God has done for them, doesn't bind them to anything which isn't already their duty, and couldn’t be more relevant for our own day | Nehemiah 10
The one who did everything right but still wasn't happy
He'd kept the rules - his life was very respectable - but why wasn't he happy? | Luke 15
The one who thought he'd burned his bridges
Do you feel that what you've done is too bad, or that because you've rejected him for so long, that God wouldn't be interested in you? | Luke 15
New normal, old normal, or something better?
The second of our two talks on the subject 'Is there more to life than staying safe?'
Why is life worth fighting for?
Our response to Covid has shown we believe human life is worth fighting for - but why?
Jesus + nothing = everything
You can't move on from Jesus and you can't add anything to Jesus | Colossians 2:6-10
What does spiritual renewal look like?
A growing awareness of God, sin and grace | Nehemiah 9